“We’re going to grandma’s garden today.” Every time I hear these words, I get so excited as a little kid because it means I get to play outdoor, and even just for a glimpse, I get to know what does it feel like to be in the wilderness. Now as a teenager, the feelings are still the same, however, I realized that nature isn’t just about the landscapes and the greens, there are things we can learn from nature.

From the east side of my grandma’s yard, there lay the woods which my cousins and I used to play and in the afternoon we would sit on the big rocks and wait for other folks to bring their cows home after feeding them in the wild. In this woods, there are so many plants and trees like bamboos, mango trees, guava trees, coconut trees and other kinds. They stand still, strong and tall as ever before.

There is one time that I get so fascinated of one particular plant: the coconut tree. Every part of that plant can reflect us humans on how we should behave: the seed of that tree can grow everywhere, it can adapt to any environment whether it’s wet, dry or freezing, as should humans be as adaptable as the coconut tree. That plant grows only straight upward, so high it looks like it wants to reach the sky, just as how we should dream our dreams—high and determined. We should also learn to be as useful just like every part of coconut tree can support the lives of people, the trunk, the leaves, and even every part of the fruit can be useful.

Also, I learned a good value of nature that you just have to accept yourself for who you are. The bamboos don’t get jealous of the mango trees because it can provide shades and grow fruits for humans, the cows don’t look at the horses and wish they could run as fast. Embrace your own beauty because that’s what makes you unique.

Yet again, with all the diversity all these plants and animals have, what do they have in common? They are the natural agents that are helping the world to be a better place. Plants provide oxygens for humans to breathe, yet humans come to the forest cut down trees irresponsibly for the sake of money. Animals complete the food chain yet irresponsible human beings come hunting down the animals to exploit them also for the sake of individual pleasure without knowing what’s the consequence.

I think humans as the children of nature need to make the world a better place too, we should look at nature from different perspectives because nature seems to have no alternative to bliss. Look at ants, you may honor their work ethic, but they’re not getting up at the crack of dawn, pushing the snooze button, and forcing themselves to go look for crumbs. To them, scouring the earth for a drop of honey is the most blissful thing imaginable.

It is only humans that have separated life into compartments of good/bad or wanted/unwanted. When you get in touch with your true nature, nothing is outside the state of bliss.

Take a look at the stars, for example, stars bring beauty and light in the darkness. Instead of succumbing to the darkness of the world, be one of the radiant stars that shines their bright inner light. As we inspire others to be stars, we can light up the night sky with our intentional beams of starlight.

The only conclusion is that everything is dependent on all that exists. If you look back far enough, you will have to conclude that a stalk of rice in Indonesia is somehow dependent on a sparrow in South Africa. Nothing can be separated from anything else.

Everything you see, and many things you don’t see, are working together to help you thrive. It would be incorrect to think that nature is comprised of many trillions of different living organisms. The reality is, each of those forms is just different angles of the one thing – Nature.

Someone once asked me why people who fight in battles don't show their scars to the world? Why should they, though? I asked. Is it so selfish to keep your strength, your story, to yourself? I told him that sometimes people feel as if the world is mocking them for having scars and they stare at it as if it's something ugly. They see scars as sign of weakness, of damage, and of pain. If only the world could see the courage it took to move forward, the hesitation before finally looking up at the sky everyday and the way they shyly held the string of the only hope they ever had.
People are vulnerable. They may have a hard exterior, they may be fragile, and they may even look like star holes, but deep inside everybody just wants to be touched deeply. So gently. So softly. So caringly. They just want you to know that someone understands. Your stories are your rain and sometimes people use umbrella. Umbrella does more harm than good but if you're lucky you'll meet someone who will dance in your rain. Even the storm it carries. They will love you for your dew drops, they will love the way you'll make the earth smell of petrichor. They will, someday, give you a sun and maybe then you'll smile and say, "it's a beautiful day."

It's been a long day without you my friend and I.... eh....
Bukan waktunya nyanyi mz

Oiya, udah liat judul postingan kan? Udah tau lah ya mau bahas apaan gue.
Whew, by the time gue nulis postingan ini, ga sampe 5 bulan lagi udah mau UN, dan ga lagi pake seragam SMA yang Putih abu-abu. Dan bentar lagi daftar buat masuk universitas (doain ya lulus di PTN yang dingimpiin, aamiin).

Anyway, karena udah ga lama lagi, mungkin ada beberapa hal yang bakal gue kangenin dari sekolah, mulai dari yang jengkelin sampe yang enak-enak.

Annoying moments

  1. (sok banget dah pake bullets) Ketika lo nyerut pensil terus itemnya itu ketinggalan di rautan
  2. Kalo nulis/garis pake spidol atau pulpen tinta gel terus tintanya kemana-mana
  3. Lagi ngehapus di kertas terus kertasnya malah kusut
  4. Pake glue stick terus lemnya abis (inimah pertanda minta beli lem baru)
  6. Tetangga sebelah minta contekkan tapi pelit
  7. Yang pinter jadi budeg, yang desperate jadi wartawan/paparazzi (ngertilah ini ya)
  8. Kunyah pulpen pinjeman tetangga :)) (this should be in guilty pleasure part)
  9. Sisa serutan pensil jatuh di tas
  10. Donor darah ketika jari ketusuk jangka
  11. Guru ngehapus papan tulis terus ninggalin sedikit ga dihapus, duh my perfection soul inside is raging with eternal fury. KENAPA GA HAPUS AJA SEMUA SIH
  12. Liat jam 2 kali tiap 5 menit
  13. Guru nulis soal di papan terus minta siswa ngerjain, at this time try to avoid any eye contacts with the teacher.
  14. Yang parah juga pas kirain jam lowong eh udah tinggal 15 menit gurunya masuk :/
  15. Fake friends everywhere
  16. Siswa di kelas ngingetin PR ke guru bersangkutan
  18. Nilai nyaris tuntas, like cuma kurang 0,1 :')
  19. Anggota kelompok pas ada tugas gak aktif
  20. Guru killer
  21. Dapet kelas jauh dari kantin
  22. Bangunan sekolah jadi bagus pas udah mau lulus
  23. Kurikulum ga konsisten

Moments of joy

Nih, ga semua sih ya di sekolah itu ngeselin, ada juga yang enak, ga sering tapi sekalinya terjadi, enak..
  1. Jam Lowong aka gabut. (notice that period dude)
  2. Kita punya seragam, jadi semuanya sama kalo di sekolah :)
  3. "Anak-anak hari ini kita nonton film,"
  4. Ngobrol pas guru lagi ga ngeliat
And then, ada banyak hal yang bisa dilakukan kalo lagi gabut, misalnya:
  • Bagi yang punya binder nih palingan pernah: taruh jari di tengah-tengah ring binder biar tau rasa sakit hati itu gimana (yhaa bukan mz), kata gue sih sakit...dikit
  • Jaman dulu punya kalkulator gatau deh ya professor apa yang nyiptain rumusnya pokoknya pas tekan = jadinya tulisan 80105 (re: BOLOS)
  • Yang pake notebook spiral nanti abis robekin kertas terus ngambil 'sisa-sisa perang' di dalem ring spiralnya
  • Main bola, pake kertas kayak di Upin Ipin, anyone?
      Kategori menggambar
  • Ngedoodle beginian
Oh, yes. I still remember the anthem. This is the real doodle, man!
  • Or this weird looking S
Harus diakui, these are pointless. Etapi listnya masih ada
  • Bikin lubang di penghapus
  • Roket meluncuuurr aka bouncing my pen
  • Penutup pulpen lu bengkokin
  • Dengerin lagu: headset di telapak tangan, posisi ada di telinga
  • Kalo di sekolah gue juga ada cara ngeklaim meja kursi: bikin graffiti di meja/kursi dengan nama lo pake tip x pinjem dari temen #thugslife
Weheh, itulah sekolah, ada ga enak ada enaknya, tp gue sih enjoy aja.. Kalo ga gitu mah masa-masa di sekolah jadi ga menyenangkan. Extranya sih kalo lo ikut ekskul yang seru abis, kayak gue sih Pramuka, jadi punya pengalaman seru tersendiri gitu wkwkwk
Heu, udah ah ku sudah lelah, mungkin lain waktu gue ngupdate isi postingan yang ini. Ciao!

            Water takes a very big role in our life. It is the most abundant substance on the surface of Earth. Water has always been an important life-sustaining drink to humans and is essential to the survival of most other organisms. Excluding fat, water composes approximately 70% of human by body mass.
            In Indonesia, due to different types of terrain and geographic condition, people who are living in remote areas and littoral areas are facing the problem of their resources of clean water. Take example from the remote areas, they need to walk for miles just to get clean water, and this activity is time and energy consuming. As for the people in littoral areas, they face another problem. Their water resources are contaminated with saline, which is not the best choice for drink and fulfilling the needs of washing and bathing.
            Water is seen as a human right. That means water is not for sell. The Government is obliged to distribute it everywhere in the nation for free. While the cost of distribution can be taken from public taxes. However, in Indonesia water flows into our houses and we have to pay for it, and this is contrary to the view of water as a human right.
             To distribute clean water in remote and littoral areas seems to be impossible, since, talking in general, 71% of Earth’s surface is water. The water’s volume on earth is ±1.4 billion km3 but only 3% of it is fresh water, the rest 97% is saline. Remember that not all of them are in our nation. So, what needs to be done by the Government to solve this problem?
            In conventional, people tend to fetch clean water from rivers and lakes. But this will not last so long due to population explosion and lack of awareness. This lack of awareness too is a main factor of the significant decrease of clean water resources. This is reflected by our society’s behavior to throw their garbage in the river.
            There are a few ways and solutions that can be done to solve this problem, such as rain harvesting which is using rainwater by cupping and storing it in a storage, like jars, pots, and so on, so that the rainwater may be used for gardening, as water for the livestock, and water for irrigation rather than let it run off.  
            Another way to solve this problem is by expanding and extending the catchment areas in the nation. Because boreholes in urban areas are significantly increasing, and if the government does not act on this matter, there may be imbalance on water from the catchment areas and the water from the boreholes.
            To conclude, water’s role in our life is very big. It is a right for people to have water freely, and that the Government should take action to distribute it with no cost to every place. But doing it will not be so easy due to several reasons: different types of terrain and geographical condition etc. and if the Government can’t distribute it to remote and littoral areas, there are still ways they can bring prosperity to people living in remote and littoral areas: using nowadays’ technology of rain harvesting or extend the catchment areas in the nation.


Lama gak post. Just so you notice that I'm not dead yet, now I'm posting stuff.
As an opening, I should say that, gue baper... kangen juga. Kangen sama game bikinan Cyberagent Inc. America. Ameba Pico.
Say Goodbye to Pico World
Dear Pico users,
We are sorry to inform all of you that we are closing Pico World on 12/17.
We really appreciate all users who kept loving this game since our release in 2010,
but sadly cannot  continue to provide updates due to limited developer resources.
We thank you all for your support and hope you enjoyed Pico World.
The game will still be open for all users until 12/17,
so please spend your AG, GM,tokens,etc… by this date.
Thank you all again for playing.
Pico Staff
Yak, pengumuman itu yang dulu bikin baper (tapi jaman dulu kan blm ada istilah baper, pokoknya hal semacam itu deh)--dulu, gak nyangka gamenya ditutup, Banyak memori, banyak masa-masa yang hebat gue jalanin di game situ (apasih).

For those who don't know this game, jadi gamenya tuh mirip banget real life, basically, lo punya avatar sendiri, di design sendiri mau dibikin gimana terserah, mau yang kulit putih, yang agak gelap dll bisa, mata dibikin cipit, gede melotot, bisa hidung mancung ato pesek bodo amat bisa disitu. Tapi gak ada diskriminasi berat sama tinggi badan kok. Selaw.. Disini lo bakal punya rumah sendiri, lo bisa atur mau bikin gaya minimalis, bikin maksimalis (emang ada?-_-), bikin bertingkat, bisa.. Tinggal masalah duit sama kreativitas lo deh.

Fig. 1.1 Foto saya di halaman rumah

Yak gue bilang duit karena emang gamenya punya mata uang sendiri, ada 3 macam: Gummies, Tokens and Ameba Gold. Dengan ini lo bisa beli apa aja yang dijual di shop, ada Default Shop di pojokan lo, terus ada Shop di masing-masing tempat yang bisa lo kunjungin. Tiap shop biasanya jual barang jenis tertentu, misal si Elijah di Flea Market jualan perabotan khas Pico-styled. Sebelahnya jualan baju. Nah kalo lo jalan-jalan ke area Jepang, misalnya, lo bakal nemuin shop yang isinya barang-barang khas jepang, yang bisa dipake Pico lo.
Yes, ada tempat-tempat juga yang bisa dikunjungin, mulai dari Prancis, Amrik, Shibuya, Jepang jaman dulu yang masih banyak Edo, ninja lagi viral jaman itu. Basically lo bisa keliling dunia dah disini :))
Furthermore, the best thing about this game is... it lets you socialize with others. Ada Taman umum yang dibuka untuk tiap negara, biasanya yang buka sampe 5+ Park itu Park Bahasa, tempat ngumpul-ngumpul nax endonesah, saking banyaknya player Indonesia yang maen disini... and this place... is where gokil-ness happens. Avatar lo bisa ngomong, ntar abis lo ketik pesan, di atas avatar lo bakal keluar bubble gitu isinya pesan lo, seru dah..
Di Park lo pasti ketemu nax gawl, yang gokil, yang ucul, pendiem, jutek, tajir, pengemis, literally any kind. bahkan lo bisa pacaran disini, kalo nemu si doi sendirian doang duduk di kursi HAHAHA..

Cukup deskripsinya. Kalo soal kesan-pesan, waduh susah ya, kalimat mau berapa panjangnya ga bisa jelasin gimana:').
Gue kenal Ameba Pico itu pas SMP, haha telat emang, waktu itu temen-temen gue semua pada ngupdate Profil dengan Pico mereka, upload pas lagi di Park lah, dirumah, terus dijadiin foto profil. Terus gue yang waktu itu gamau kudet, yekan masih baru punya akun sosial, harus jaga self-esteem dong ya :p (don't blame me, it's the internet) nyobain gamenya. Alhasil ketagihan euy gila :')

Cerita mengenai ditutupnya game ini sih ada dua versi: 1) kata temen gue soalnya banyak cheaters, pada ngehack AG biar banyak, (FYI AG itu dapetnya kudu bayar pake kartu kredit, ato pulsa bisa :-)), alhasil ngalamin kerugian dari sini sampe bangkrut, ditutup dah gamenya. 2) Ada perempuan diajak ketemuan sama cowoknya di Pico, katanya seumuran, padahal udah om-om 40 tahun (deuh si Pedo), terus pas ketemuan si doi di culik, terus rumornya...diperkosa... terus si emaknya complain ke Staff dan minta ganti rugi katanya uangnya banyak yg diminta, sampe-sampe bangkrut dah. Okay the last one doesn't even make any sense. Yet one can conclude that the Staff got bankrupted so they closed the game.
Fig. 1.2 Lagi suasana Halloween, Park juga di design suasana Halloween

Fig. 1.3 Foto yang gue submit buat Photo Challenge yang di adain Pico Staff

Jadi baper lagi nih... AAAAH pokoknya kangen temen-temen Pico, kangen cHEn yang kebetulan ketemu di Park, weh kalo gaada dia temen Manado gue mungkin sedikit.. kangen EvaL yang udh bantuin nyelesein Starbook, kangen Leah tempat gue drama, bhakk... Kangen Appy sama cowoknya yang orang Aussie ituh, deuh ye guyz are da bezt..

Buat yang jago bahasa Jepang sih enak banget da, game Pico yang lain masih ada tapi bahasanya cuma Jepang... namanya Ameba Pigg (アメーバピグ).
Rindu sih rindu sama gamenya, tapi Pihak Cyberagent US ga pengertian ah, gamau buka lagi, padahal udah banyak banget petisi di luar sana yang minta balikin Pico, tapi yah gitu, si emas gak peka :') kasian ex-usersmu disini mas, sedang merindu, hiks...

Fig. 1.4 Ceritanya jadi Fotografer

Hi, everyone! I'm back, again, gue baru balik dari perkemahan nih, eh gadeng, dah berapa hari lalu, tp baru dpt nerves buat nulis lagi eheh eheh eheh..

Oiya, pada tau kan gue anak Pramuka?
Um, ato ada ga yang bahkan emang gatau Pramuka itu apa? Well, jadi Pramuka itu organisasi  ̶  satu-satunya organisasi kepanduan yg ada di Indonesia, yg dibentuk sejak ada Keppres No. 238 Tahun 1961. Kalo menurut UU No. 12 Tahun 2010:
"Pramuka adalah warga negara Indonesia yang aktif dalam pendidikan kepramukaan serta mengamalkan Satya Pramuka dan Darma Pramuka."

Sorry, old habit. 

Jadi, back to the topic. Gue di buper 5 hari, dan perkemahan kali ini bakal susah gue lupain, kenapa? Banyak hal aneh yang terjadi, yea, banyak. Mulai dari binatang buas yang melanglang buana di sekeliling buper (eh ini apa) sampe meja yang patah kaki.

Bayangin, aja, hari pertama aja dekat tenda kita nemu ular ada kakinya, strange banget, terus juga pas pembagian kelurahan, kita dapetnya kelurahan yang Lurah Putranya itu.... yawla pokoknya ngeselin banget:)) ketemu dia aja itu bikin ilfeel gimana gitu wkwkwk

Berhubung bulan ini bulan buat memperingati hari Pramuka, maka diselenggarakanlah perkemahan SGTD (Siaga, Galang, Tegak, Dega). Tapi nih ya yang ikut GT doang, jadi nama perkemahannya, "Perkemahan GT". Nah, kalo perkemahan kayak gini nih, pasti banyak lombanya, dari yel-yel, PBB, hiking, etc.

Gue ikut pasti on purpose kan ya, cari piala buat gudep ceritanya, nah, lomba gue? Cerdas Cermat Pramuka, aka CCP, which, kalo menurut gue lomba paling bergengsi kalo di Pramuka (#HEH), nah gue punya pengalaman yg cukup aneh gimana gitu soal lomba ini...

Jadi di hari gue ikut CCP, aka hari pertama, pas gue juga korvei, jadi masak buat peserta perkemahan, nimba air, etc itu gue dkk yg dijadwal yang sama, terus juga tradisinya, kalo yang korvei itu biasanya mandi agak belakangan, karena sibuk kan ya di dapur, ngatur segalanya~
Nah, tugas gue nimba air waktu itu, jadi pas gue ke tempat buat nimba, tiba2 ada pengumuman CCP bentar lagi mulai, jadi buat peserta yang bersangkutan langsung merapat ke Wale (Rumah adat yang jadi tempat pertemuan). Dan pada saat itu juga gue balik ke tenda duluan, buat siap-siap...

Pas sampe di tenda 2 temen satu regu gue udah rapih pake seragam dan gue belum, jadi....
Well you get the idea...

Gue gak mandi.

Dan gue pun langsung ganti baju, dan berangkat bersama mereka berdua... Pas sampe disana dikasih instruksi jawabnya sejam doang, gaboleh nanya ke gudep lain, dan lain lain, typical rules lah.
So we worked out our worksheet. Soal2nya bisa dibilang cukup gampang lah, kekuatan 3 orang mah jadi dijawab semua. Selesainya kan disuruh balik, dan saya pun akhirnya mandi, jadi no worries :) tapi nih, gue kan emang selalu wangi jadi begitulah (naon ai maneh)...

Besoknya dengar pengumuman, alhamdulillah regu kita masuk final, tp ga dikasih tau kapan finalnya, jadi rada misterius gitu. Setelah menjalani hari demi hari, dengan new things every other day, kayak acara api unggun buat ular yang ada kakinya as I mentioned earlier, yang dimutilasi sama temen setenda gue, terus pas latihan yel-yel temen gue salah nyapa orang, meja yang patah kaki karena kami terlalu berisik malem-malem, etc.

And then came the final, di hari terakhir, dan gue waktu itu juga gue lupa ada urusan apa, sampe belakangan mandinya, in fact, ga sempet, karena juga final udah mau dimulai.


Tapi secara ajaib, regu kita bisa rebut lagi piala yang dulunya selalu ada di gudep kita, tapi beberapa kali pindah tangan, or the conclusion is, Juara 1... dan gue seneng :")

Parah lah, CCP seleksi tertulisnya itu yg dilombain, dan finalnya itu lomba terakhir yg dilombain, tapi anehnya, tiap hari lombanya dimulai, gue ga sempet mandi :'|

(Lesson learned: jangan mandi kalo mau ikut cerdas cermat)

By the way, unfortunately gudep kita tahun ini bawa pulang piala cuma 1, yang dari CCP, dan gue bangga juga soalnya, cuma 1 kan ya, dan gue jadi bagian dari orang2 yang coba dapetin piala itu..

That's it guys, udah kepanjangan kali ya post gue, see ya then.
Salam Pramuka!
So, hello guys... lama tak jumpa :D *emang pernah ketemu gitu hah*
Jadi, gue mau ngucapin selamat lebaran buat yg merayakan, minal aidin wal faidzin yah..
Telat kali dwik, tapi masih bisa kan, masih suasana lebaran juga, yekan..

Lagian disini juga lebaran ketupat hari ini hohoho... makan enak nih gue, :D
Sebab musabab gue baru bisa ngepos, karena di tempat mudik gue itu signalnya jelek, padahal ada wi-fi loh, tp paketnya abis..
Lah, kok gue jadi buka aib :|

By the way, gue kemaren ke pantai loh, eaeaea, pasirnya putih, cakep, tapi airnya bayar -_-" tragis ya. Dan yang lebih bikin sedih itu...
THR gue tahun ini sedikit euy euy, padahal banyak buku di wishlist gue yang belum kesampean sampe sekarang, huaaaaaa... gapapa juga sih, gue kan orangnya tabah, rajin menabung, dan suka Harry Potter (apaansih) O:). Tapi setelah dihitung-hitung cukup aja kok buat semua, iya cukup, soalnya gue dihonor buat ngerjain pekerjaan yang simple yet very fun indeed.

Kalo soal lebaran gue, just like the past years, udah silahturahmi ke berbagai keluarga juga, dan, yeah, fun kok, tp sih masih tahun2 kmaren lebih enak :].

Udahan dulu yaw, besok2 gue ngepos lagi, pardon my lack of art in writing, gue cuma manusia biasa yg tak luput dari kesalahan :)
So, tschüss!
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