Water takes a very big role in our life. It is the most abundant substance on the surface of Earth. Water has always been an important life-sustaining drink to humans and is essential to the survival of most other organisms. Excluding fat, water composes approximately 70% of human by body mass.
            In Indonesia, due to different types of terrain and geographic condition, people who are living in remote areas and littoral areas are facing the problem of their resources of clean water. Take example from the remote areas, they need to walk for miles just to get clean water, and this activity is time and energy consuming. As for the people in littoral areas, they face another problem. Their water resources are contaminated with saline, which is not the best choice for drink and fulfilling the needs of washing and bathing.
            Water is seen as a human right. That means water is not for sell. The Government is obliged to distribute it everywhere in the nation for free. While the cost of distribution can be taken from public taxes. However, in Indonesia water flows into our houses and we have to pay for it, and this is contrary to the view of water as a human right.
             To distribute clean water in remote and littoral areas seems to be impossible, since, talking in general, 71% of Earth’s surface is water. The water’s volume on earth is ±1.4 billion km3 but only 3% of it is fresh water, the rest 97% is saline. Remember that not all of them are in our nation. So, what needs to be done by the Government to solve this problem?
            In conventional, people tend to fetch clean water from rivers and lakes. But this will not last so long due to population explosion and lack of awareness. This lack of awareness too is a main factor of the significant decrease of clean water resources. This is reflected by our society’s behavior to throw their garbage in the river.
            There are a few ways and solutions that can be done to solve this problem, such as rain harvesting which is using rainwater by cupping and storing it in a storage, like jars, pots, and so on, so that the rainwater may be used for gardening, as water for the livestock, and water for irrigation rather than let it run off.  
            Another way to solve this problem is by expanding and extending the catchment areas in the nation. Because boreholes in urban areas are significantly increasing, and if the government does not act on this matter, there may be imbalance on water from the catchment areas and the water from the boreholes.
            To conclude, water’s role in our life is very big. It is a right for people to have water freely, and that the Government should take action to distribute it with no cost to every place. But doing it will not be so easy due to several reasons: different types of terrain and geographical condition etc. and if the Government can’t distribute it to remote and littoral areas, there are still ways they can bring prosperity to people living in remote and littoral areas: using nowadays’ technology of rain harvesting or extend the catchment areas in the nation.


Lama gak post. Just so you notice that I'm not dead yet, now I'm posting stuff.
As an opening, I should say that, gue baper... kangen juga. Kangen sama game bikinan Cyberagent Inc. America. Ameba Pico.
Say Goodbye to Pico World
Dear Pico users,
We are sorry to inform all of you that we are closing Pico World on 12/17.
We really appreciate all users who kept loving this game since our release in 2010,
but sadly cannot  continue to provide updates due to limited developer resources.
We thank you all for your support and hope you enjoyed Pico World.
The game will still be open for all users until 12/17,
so please spend your AG, GM,tokens,etc… by this date.
Thank you all again for playing.
Pico Staff
Yak, pengumuman itu yang dulu bikin baper (tapi jaman dulu kan blm ada istilah baper, pokoknya hal semacam itu deh)--dulu, gak nyangka gamenya ditutup, Banyak memori, banyak masa-masa yang hebat gue jalanin di game situ (apasih).

For those who don't know this game, jadi gamenya tuh mirip banget real life, basically, lo punya avatar sendiri, di design sendiri mau dibikin gimana terserah, mau yang kulit putih, yang agak gelap dll bisa, mata dibikin cipit, gede melotot, bisa hidung mancung ato pesek bodo amat bisa disitu. Tapi gak ada diskriminasi berat sama tinggi badan kok. Selaw.. Disini lo bakal punya rumah sendiri, lo bisa atur mau bikin gaya minimalis, bikin maksimalis (emang ada?-_-), bikin bertingkat, bisa.. Tinggal masalah duit sama kreativitas lo deh.

Fig. 1.1 Foto saya di halaman rumah

Yak gue bilang duit karena emang gamenya punya mata uang sendiri, ada 3 macam: Gummies, Tokens and Ameba Gold. Dengan ini lo bisa beli apa aja yang dijual di shop, ada Default Shop di pojokan lo, terus ada Shop di masing-masing tempat yang bisa lo kunjungin. Tiap shop biasanya jual barang jenis tertentu, misal si Elijah di Flea Market jualan perabotan khas Pico-styled. Sebelahnya jualan baju. Nah kalo lo jalan-jalan ke area Jepang, misalnya, lo bakal nemuin shop yang isinya barang-barang khas jepang, yang bisa dipake Pico lo.
Yes, ada tempat-tempat juga yang bisa dikunjungin, mulai dari Prancis, Amrik, Shibuya, Jepang jaman dulu yang masih banyak Edo, ninja lagi viral jaman itu. Basically lo bisa keliling dunia dah disini :))
Furthermore, the best thing about this game is... it lets you socialize with others. Ada Taman umum yang dibuka untuk tiap negara, biasanya yang buka sampe 5+ Park itu Park Bahasa, tempat ngumpul-ngumpul nax endonesah, saking banyaknya player Indonesia yang maen disini... and this place... is where gokil-ness happens. Avatar lo bisa ngomong, ntar abis lo ketik pesan, di atas avatar lo bakal keluar bubble gitu isinya pesan lo, seru dah..
Di Park lo pasti ketemu nax gawl, yang gokil, yang ucul, pendiem, jutek, tajir, pengemis, literally any kind. bahkan lo bisa pacaran disini, kalo nemu si doi sendirian doang duduk di kursi HAHAHA..

Cukup deskripsinya. Kalo soal kesan-pesan, waduh susah ya, kalimat mau berapa panjangnya ga bisa jelasin gimana:').
Gue kenal Ameba Pico itu pas SMP, haha telat emang, waktu itu temen-temen gue semua pada ngupdate Profil dengan Pico mereka, upload pas lagi di Park lah, dirumah, terus dijadiin foto profil. Terus gue yang waktu itu gamau kudet, yekan masih baru punya akun sosial, harus jaga self-esteem dong ya :p (don't blame me, it's the internet) nyobain gamenya. Alhasil ketagihan euy gila :')

Cerita mengenai ditutupnya game ini sih ada dua versi: 1) kata temen gue soalnya banyak cheaters, pada ngehack AG biar banyak, (FYI AG itu dapetnya kudu bayar pake kartu kredit, ato pulsa bisa :-)), alhasil ngalamin kerugian dari sini sampe bangkrut, ditutup dah gamenya. 2) Ada perempuan diajak ketemuan sama cowoknya di Pico, katanya seumuran, padahal udah om-om 40 tahun (deuh si Pedo), terus pas ketemuan si doi di culik, terus rumornya...diperkosa... terus si emaknya complain ke Staff dan minta ganti rugi katanya uangnya banyak yg diminta, sampe-sampe bangkrut dah. Okay the last one doesn't even make any sense. Yet one can conclude that the Staff got bankrupted so they closed the game.
Fig. 1.2 Lagi suasana Halloween, Park juga di design suasana Halloween

Fig. 1.3 Foto yang gue submit buat Photo Challenge yang di adain Pico Staff

Jadi baper lagi nih... AAAAH pokoknya kangen temen-temen Pico, kangen cHEn yang kebetulan ketemu di Park, weh kalo gaada dia temen Manado gue mungkin sedikit.. kangen EvaL yang udh bantuin nyelesein Starbook, kangen Leah tempat gue drama, bhakk... Kangen Appy sama cowoknya yang orang Aussie ituh, deuh ye guyz are da bezt..

Buat yang jago bahasa Jepang sih enak banget da, game Pico yang lain masih ada tapi bahasanya cuma Jepang... namanya Ameba Pigg (アメーバピグ).
Rindu sih rindu sama gamenya, tapi Pihak Cyberagent US ga pengertian ah, gamau buka lagi, padahal udah banyak banget petisi di luar sana yang minta balikin Pico, tapi yah gitu, si emas gak peka :') kasian ex-usersmu disini mas, sedang merindu, hiks...

Fig. 1.4 Ceritanya jadi Fotografer

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